"Competitive golf is played mainly on a five-and-a-half-inch course... the space between your ears."

- Bobby Jones

“Mental strength has a decisive influence on the performance one is capable of. Due to the close interplay between thoughts, feelings, the body, and ultimately performance, working on one’s mindset presents a promising approach. Out of the fascination with these connections and the potential for positive influence, golfing.mindsetinspiration was born.”

– Lena Prantner –

My Vision

I study the mental aspects of golf because, to me, they are key to a successful game. How did I get here? In 2017, I fell in love with this wonderful sport and have spent a lot of time on the course ever since. Four years later, after I started actively including mental training, I won the club championships at both clubs where I was a member at that time.

The topic of mental strength fascinated me so much in this context that I began to explore it more intensively. Luckily, I was in the middle of my master’s degree in psychology, which provided the perfect foundation. After promising research during my master’s studies, I got the opportunity to continue exploring this area during my PhD. Early on, I also realized that I didn’t want to keep my knowledge and experiences to myself but wanted to give others the chance to benefit from them as well.

For this reason, I have already developed a mental training program for putting that supports your performance on the green by teaching you how to make effective use of your mindset – the download is available below. …and there’s much more to come… Stay tuned

My Products

Putting Skills Next Level

A self-guided mental training program with 8 units to unlock your mental strength for putting.


Product language: English

*excl. VAT
60-day refund policy

*excl. VAT
60-day refund policy

Guide to Champion’s Consciousness

Self-guided mental training program with 10 units for developing your champion’s consciousness.


Product language: English

*excl. VAT
60-day refund policy

*excl. VAT
60-day refund policy

Awaken Body Awareness

Guided meditation to enhance body awareness and the mind-body connection


Product language: English

*excl. VAT
60-day refund policy

*excl. VAT
60-day refund policy


If you have any questions about my golf mindset training or coaching options, I look forward to hearing from you. Simply use the form to get in touch with me directly – I’m here for you.